PART ONE: The company balance sheet
The flow-rate model for representing business dynamics. - The residual rights of the owners of the enterprise to the wealth produced: the dual aspect principle and the analysis of the sources and uses of resources The objectives and cognitive limits of accounting: - the accounting principles; - accounting systems and accounting methods The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account: - Fixed assets and depreciation, net working capital. - Inventories and cost of sales - The Cash Flow Statement and cash flow analysis: the derivation of cash flows. - Income Statement reclassifications
Balance sheet analysis: profitability, profitability, efficiency and financial indicators
Reference text R.Anthony, D. F. Hawkins, D. Macrì, K.A. Merchant. The Balance Sheet. Economic analysis for decision making and performance reporting. McGraw-Hill - XV edition. Chapters 1 to 11
SECOND PART: Sustainability in strategic business management
The enterprise as a complex and sustainable system - Founding principles and corporate sustainability - The role of stakeholders in addressing sustainability: Agenda 2030-Global Compact-European Union Green Paper, sustainable finance; - Sustainable strategic management: articulation of strategy - values - objectives - choices resulting from internal and contextual conditions - SWOT analysis; - Activities and relations for defining a strategy - the value chain and the chain of relations
The context relevant to the enterprise - market and sector analysis - Description of the competitive context: Porter's five competitive forces model - Strategic groupings
Sustainable business model - Concept of value and shared value - The circular business model paradigm in the principles of the green economy
Sustainable business model - concept of value and shared value; - The circular business model paradigm in the principles of the green economy
Sustainable strategic management
- Competitive advantage: concept, determinants and durability - Cost advantage, differentiation and focus - Competitive strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, focus - Collaboration strategies: strategic alliances - Growth strategies: integration, diversification, internationalisation - Environmental and social value creation strategies: impact of environmental and social strategies on competitive advantage; areas of intervention - Strategic and sustainability plan: elaboration and contents
Reference text Matteo Caroli, Economia e gestione sostenibile delle imprese, McGraw-Hill - 2021
(reference books)
R.Anthony, D. F. Hawkins, D. Macrì, K.A. Merchant. Il Bilancio. Analisi economiche per le decisioni e la comunicazione della performance. McGraw-Hill – XV edizione. Capitoli da 1 a 11
Matteo Caroli, Economia e gestione sostenibile delle imprese, McGraw-Hill – 2021 Capitoli 1, 2, 4, 5, 6