Having as a background today's theories of subjectivity and political action, the course aims to critically and meta-critically analyze the relationships between mind, language and the state of advancement of information technologies given the "digital revolution". In the first part of the course we will examine the following topics: possible solutions of the mind-body problem; human and artificial intelligence; algorithmic rationality; intentionality of perception and action; language functions; language and meaning; to know and to interpret; free will and citizenship rights; ontology of power.In the second part of the course we will examine the following topics: philosophy and technology; politics and technology; anthropology and technology; reason, passion and the digital life; political responsibility and artificial intelligence; the post-heideggerian critique of technology.
(reference books)
1) John R. Searle, Il mistero della realtà, a cura di P. Di Lucia e L. Passerini Glazel, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano 2019 (ISBN 978-88-3285-070-3) 2) Roberto Finelli, Filosofia e tecnologia. Una via di uscitadalla mente digitale, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 2022 (ISBN 979-12-5993-035-4)