This is a seminar-experiential coruse involving the direct and active participation of students (i.e., participatory learning/learning by doing). Specifically, the main psychoanalytic theories (i.e. Freudian, object relations, contemporary psychoanalysis) will be explored within the course, describing their historical evolution. A path describing how the conception of the mind has changed over the years in psychoanalysis will be traced: from a unipersonal/intrapsychic view within a positivistic paradigm, to the current intersubjective perspective in which the mind arise as a construction from social interactions. Chapters from the reference textbook will be read and critically commented together in class, highlighting points of convergence and divergence between the different theoretical perspectives presented. Moreover, they will be enriched with clinical exemplifications brought by the professor, along with further theoretical insights. Different ways in which mental suffering, psychopathology and therapeutic treatment could be declined will also be explored. Italian and foreign guests will be invited to enrich the theoretical-clinical reflection. This year will feature Dr. Vineet Gairola (India), who will address the topic of truth in psychoanalysis, describing its role for psychic structuring in Wilfred Bion’s thinkinig.
(reference books)
Articles provided during classes.