The course addresses the relationship between music and image focusing on some aspects of musical iconography and of the characteristics that this relationship assumes in audiovisual context, considering, both historically and analytically, film music. Assuming the relationship between opera and image as main theme of the course, in the first part attention will be paid of the role that image could have in the context of opera on the levels of scenography and of contemporary stage direction. Then, an investigation path will be outlined on the relationship between opera and cinema in the 20th and 21st centuries.
(reference books)
1. Mercedes Viale Ferrero, Vedere Tosca, in La Tosca di Puccini e Casa Ricordi, a cura di Ilaria Narici, Milano, Ricordi, 2004
2. Gerardo Guccini, La regia lirica, livello contemporaneo della regia teatrale, «Il castello di Elsinore», 62, (2010), pp. 83-104
3. A colloquio con Luca Ronconi, a cura di Giuseppe di Leva, in Giacomo Puccini, Tosca, programma di sala, Milano, Teatro alla Scala, 1997, pp. 207-211
4. Sergio Miceli, Musica per film. Storia, estetica – analisi, tipologie, Milano-Lucca, Ricordi-LIM, 2009, pp. 833-911
5. Matteo Giuggioli, Le forme dell’opera nel cinema. Sull’impiego del cinematografico del “Trovatore” tra Gallone e Visconti, in La musica fra testo, performance e media. Forme e concetti dell’esperienza musicale, a cura di Alessandro Cecchi, Roma, NeoClassica, 2019, pp. 339-355