The course will observe developments and transformations of modern and contemporary Western dance, in the confrontation with different techniques and traditions, starting with the search for a new expressiveness that animated the German and American dance scene in the first half of the 20th century up to the innovative creations, from the 1970s, of dance-theatre.
(reference books)
1) Eugenia Casini Ropa, "La danza e l'agitprop: i teatri-non-teatrali nella cultura tedesca del primo Novecento", Bologna, il Mulino, 1988 - up to p. 122 (Foreword and chapters 1. Tre casi and 2. Kõrperseele: il corpo anima). A new edition of the volume is also available, Cue Press 2015, in book or e-book. 2) Alessandro Pontremoli, 'Dance. Storia, teoria, estetica nel Novecento, Roma-Bari", Laterza, 2004. 3) Materials that will be provided during the course.