The course focuses on language pathologies, with particular attention to the deficits related to the discursive communication. Among the cases discusses, there are the communicative deficits characterizing pathologies such as autism, schizophrenia, and traumatic brain injury. In such cases, as well as in many neuropsychological and psychopathological disorders, the communicative impairments mainly concern the level of discourse and depend on deficits that primarily involve the cognitive dimension, rather than the linguistic one. Thus, the study of discourse disorders is particularly useful to investigate a more general question that is extremely relevant from a theoretical point of view: the relationships between language and cognition.
(reference books)
1 Book + 2 articles:
Adornetti I. (2018) Patologie del linguaggio e della comunicazione. Carocci, Roma
(articolo 1) Adornetti I., Chiera A., Altavilla D., Deriu V., Marini A., Gobbo M., Valeri G., Magni R., Ferretti F. (2023). Defining the Characteristics of Story Production of Autistic Children: A Multilevel Analysis. «Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders»
(articolo 2) Galbraith, N. (2021). Delusions and Pathologies of Belief: Making Sense of Conspiracy Beliefs via the Psychosis Continuum. In Cardella V., Gangemi A. (a cura di) Psychopathology and Philosophy of Mind: What Mental Disorders Can Tell Us About Our Minds (pp. 117-144). Routledge.
(Libro) 1) Adornetti I. (2018) Patologie del linguaggio e della comunicazione. Carocci, Roma