This course introduces the understanding of the neurocognitive correlates of communicative and linguistic competence. After defining the concept of competence, the characteristics of communicative competence and the structural and cognitive features of human language will be explored highlighting the interactions between different cognitive (e.g., memory, attention, executive functions) and perceptual (e.g., visual or auditory perception) systems and language. The most recent cognitive models of language production and comprehension will also be described using results from studies based on observations of patients with language disorders and healthy subjects using neuroimaging techniques.
(reference books)
Students will receive the slides describing the contents of this class. They will need to study the following two books: Marini, A. (2008). Manuale di Neurolinguistica. Carocci Marini, A. (2021). Che cos’è la Psicolinguistica. Carocci