Derived from
21810545 STORIA DELL'AMBIENTE in Political science L-36 FASANARO LAURA
Part 1 - An introduction to Environmental History as a discipline; methodological problems and the dialogue with the other "histories" - Fundamental concepts and definitions - Study and research tools - Periodizations
Part 2 - The factors of environmental change - The environment and natural resources in a long-term historical perspective - The environment and energy: the use of hydrocarbons in a historical perspective - Scientific and technological development and the environment
Part 3
- From ecology to sustainable development - The ecological thought and the "limits to growth" - The Stockholm Conference (1972) - Organizations, institutions and policies of sustainable development - The European dimension and the international landscape
Part 4
- The roots and development of environmentalism - The European dimension - Green political parties and movements - Global environmentalism: the 1980s and 90s of the 20th century
Part 5
- Climate change in international politics: a historical perspective - The UNEP and the IPCC - Europe - The United States - The Developing Countries
Part 6
- Ecological transition and energy transition - Renewable energy sources - The big issues of the present: from the Paris Agreement to the European Green Deal
(reference books)
Required readings for the exam are both:
1) Paolini Federico, "Ambiente. Una storia globale (secoli XX-XXI)", Tab edizioni, Roma, 2021 (the whole book)
2) Pagnotta Grazia, "Prometeo a Fukushima. Storia dell'energia dall'antichità ad oggi", Einaudi, Torino, 2020 (required for the exam only pp. 185-199; 219-236; 237-302; 359-391. The whole book is also included in the recommended bibliography)