Peasant societies and seigneurial powers (IX-XII centuries). The course aims to analyze some aspects of the complex relationship between peasants and rural lords in Italy, from the first affirmation of rural lordship to his definitive statement, with direct recourse to historiography and sources.
(reference books)
Program for attending students: Luigi Provero, Contadini e potere nel Medioevo. Secoli IX-XV, Roma, Carocci, 2020 and subsequent editions; Alessio Fiore, Il mutamento signorile. Assetti di potere e comunicazione politica nelle campagne dell’Italia centro-settentrionale (1080-1130 c.), Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2017 (free download: http://www.rmoa.unina.it/4617/), capitoli 1, 2, 3, 8, 9; Sandro Carocci, Signorie di Mezzogiorno, Società rurali, poteri aristocratici e monarchia (XII-XIII secolo), Roma, Viella, 2014, capitoli 2, 3, 7; selected sources, analyzed during the lessons.
Program for non-attending students: L. Provero, L'Italia dei poteri locali. Secoli IX-XII, Roma, Carocci, 1998 and subsequent editions; Sandro Carocci, Signorie di Mezzogiorno, Società rurali, poteri aristocratici e monarchia (XII-XIII secolo), Roma, Viella, 2014, capitoli 2, 3, 7.