Derived from
(1) A series of lectures aimed at offering an organic picture of authors and trends in the "literary space" of ancient Rome, with particular attention to relationships with political and institutional history, to typology and development of literary genres, to the literary-society nexus, and to the differentiation of levels and functions of Latin written production; croblems of survival and transmission of the corpus of the latin classics will be envisaged also, even as regards their medieval and modern heritage. (2) Lectures about some main features of latin language. (3) Setting in context, reading in latin, italian translation and commentary of: - (a) Petronius, The Dinner of Trimalchio (Satyricon, from chapter 26, 7 to chapter 78); - (b) Sueton, The Life of the Emperor Claudius; - (c) Virgil, Aeneid, book IV.
(reference books)
As for (1): - G. B. Conte, Letteratura latina, Firenze (ed. Le Monnier, 2002 and reprints), parts I-IV (from the Beginnings to the II sec. C.E.). - E. Norden, La letteratura romana, Bari (Laterza, 1958): only the appendix titled «Le fonti antiche», available on line at the site of the course. - A hand-out for the lectures (“Profilo di storia della letteratura latina. Testi di supporto [dalle Origini alla morte di Silla])”, and further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and/or made available on line at the site of the course.
As for (2): - R. Oniga, Latin. A Linguistic Introduction. Edited & Translated by N. Schifano (Oxford University Press, 2014).
As for (3): - Petronio Arbitro, Satyricon. Introduzione, traduzione e note di A. Aragosti, Milano (Ed. Rizzoli), or La cena di Trimalchione: dal ‘Satyricon’ di Petronio, a cura di G. F. Gianotti, Acireale-Roma (Ed. Bonanno) - Gaio Svetonio Tranquillo, L'imperatore Claudio (Vite dei Cesari, V), a cura di G. Guastella, Venezia (Marsilio). - Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, Traduzione a cura di A. Fo. Note di F. Giannotti, Torino (Einaudi), Booh IV only (in the site relating to the course will be made disposable a “.pdf” copy of the edition of Book IV with italian commentary by R. Sabbadini - C. Marchesi, Torino, ed. Loescher, out of print). - further bibiography would be given during the course ().