The course will be divided into a general part and a laboratory part. In the first semester, the general part will retrace the history of cultural and educational processes in a critical-reflective key, with particular reference to the pedagogical currents of the twentieth century. It also aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of the cultural and educational transformations of complex society and its educational institutions. In this perspective, again in the first semester, the pedagogical models and educational practices that, between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, have permeated the reality of a plurality of educational institutions, private and public, will be reconstructed through a multiplicity of interpretative points of view. daily life of boys and girls, helping to determine the processes of formation and construction of identity. In the second semester, the course will address a particular area of pedagogical research concerning the history of educational models intended for women between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It will also be reconstructed that symbolic order, typical of Western culture, within which the representation and image of the silent guardian woman of collective morality has been inscribed, to understand how a new female protagonism outside the private sphere that emerges starting from the end of the nineteenth century it has been interpreted as a possible subversion of the social structures and of the consolidated value hierarchies and therefore to be brought back into the "enclosure of the norm". The link of educational conditioning within the theme of gender-based violence will still be examined in the second semester.
(reference books)
The following volumes will be analysed: S. Santamaita, Storia dell'educazione e delle pedagogie, Pearson, 2019. F. Borruso, Memoria, Infanzia, educazione. Modelli educativi e vita quotidiana fra Otto e Novecento, Roma Tre Press, 2021 (open access) C. Covato, Idoli di bontà. Il genere come norma nella storia dell’educazione, Milano, Unicopli, 2014 o, in alternativa F. Borruso, R. Gallelli, G. Seveso (a cura di), Dai saperi negati alle avventure della conoscenza. Esclusione ed emancipazione delle donne nei percorsi educativi fra storia e attualità, Unicopli, Milano, 2022