Basics of Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics. Solids: properties of periodical structures. Electrons in solids. Band structures. Semiconductors. Transport properties: Boltzmann equation. dc and ac conductivity.Thermoelectric effects. Fundamentals of Magnetism. Fundamentals of Superconductivity. Devices and sensors. Measuring devices: temperature, magnetic field, rf power. Thermoelectric devices: Peltier cells, thermoelectric generators. Superconducting sensors and devices: volt standard, SQUID. Quantum Hall effect in metrology
(reference books)
This is a comprehensive list of the textbooks whence the topics are taken. On the website the specific chapters are listed. Addenda, slides and summary papers are available on the Moodle platform.
M. Razeghi, "Fundamentals of solid state engineering", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
G. Grosso, G. Pastori Parravicini, "Solid State Physics", Elsevier, 2000.
H. Ibach, H. Lüth, "Solid State Physics", 4th edition, Springer.
R. Marcon, "Proprietà Elettromagnetiche della Materia - Guida alle Lezioni", Casa Editrice CISU.
K. Fossheim, A. Sudbø, "Superconductivity - Physics and applications", John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.