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20702506 ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS in Environmental Humanities LM-1 DUMONT ISABELLE
Environmental policy and sustainability. The course presents a brief overview of the main schools of thought in environmental matters, following their development especially in recent decades. The course discusses then about methods and tools of environmental policy, illustrates the geography of environmental resources and examines the role of the actors in environmental policy at different geographical scales, from global to local. The problems are also analyzed through some case studies related to different parts of the world. There will be lectures and eventual workshops/excursion.
(reference books)
MADAU Caterina, 2014, «Entro i limiti del nostro pianeta Teorie e politiche della questione ambientale» Bologna, PÀTRON
Supplementary book: Enrico Giovannini e Donato Speroni, 2019 "Un mondo sostenibile in 100 foto", Roma, Laterza This book can be downloaded directly from the Laterza publishing house (free registration). With regard to the second book ('Un mondo sostenibile in 100 foto'), exam questions can only cover the introduction 'La grande sfida' (pp.2- 19) and the conclusion 'Per rimanere aggiornati' (pp. 235-247). The rest of the book is not to be studied for the exam but is indispensable for one's general education and awareness as a citizen.