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20710069 Computer workshop for ancient world studies in Italian Studies LM-14 D'ANNA ALBERTO
For Bachelor and Master's degree students. Second semester. Hours: one meeting per week will be held, lasting three academic hours, Laboratorio Informatico of the Area di Mondo Antico (LISA). Course start: March 2024. The mode of the course delivery will depend on the University regulations in force at the time. In any case, since it is a laboratory, which requires direct teacher-student interaction, there is NO registration of meetings and attendance (in the possible modes) is mandatory.
The Laboratory introduces to the knowledge of the main informatic resources for the historical and philological studies related to Antiquity, Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
- Introduction. Word-processor features. Multilingual keyboards; writing in ancient Greek.
- Creation of a scientific bibliography; methods of citation. Tools for bibliographic research: bibliographic repertories; on-line consultation of catalogues (OPAC); on-line consultation of books and periodicals (open access and by subscription); on-line reviews.
- Analysis of literary texts: text databases; electronic dictionaries; software for text analysis and lexical research on Greek and Latin texts.
- Research of epigraphic and papyraceous sources; research and consultation of manuscripts.
(reference books)
The teacher provides the didactic materials necessary for the carrying out of the Laboratory.