Derived from
CLASSICAL AND ROMANCE POETS WITHIN THE ‘COMMEDIA’ The course aims to dwell on Dante's encounters with the great poets of the ancient world (Virgil, Homer and Statius) and the Romance tradition (Bertran de Born, Sordello, Forese Donati, Bonagiunta da Lucca, Guido Guinizzelli, Arnaut Daniel, Folchetto di Marsiglia) within the 'Commedia'. Particular attention will be paid also to the moments in which Dante brings himself into play as a poet within the poem (through references to his own lyric texts) and engages other poet figures (such as Ovid, Lucan and Terence on the classical side or Giacomo da Lentini, Guittone d'Arezzo, Guido Cavalcanti on the Romance side) evocated in the dialogues with other characters.
(reference books)
- DANTE ALIGHIERI, Commedia, ed. by A.M. CHIAVACCI LEONARDI, Milano, Mondadori, 2016 (if you have other editions of the text please get in touch with the lecturer): during the course a selection of passages from the three sections of the poem will be read and analyzed.
* -T. BAROLINI, Il miglior fabbro. Dante e i poeti della 'Commedia', Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1993, pp. 15-152. - *M. FIORILLA, ‘Amor che nella mente mi ragiona’ tra ricezione antica e interpretazione moderna, in «Rivista di studi danteschi», V, 2005, fasc. 1, pp. 141-154. - *M. FIORILLA, Lettura del canto VIII del ‘Paradiso’, in «Filologia e critica», a. XLIX, 2019, pp. 3-32, sole le pp. 3-18. - *A. IANNUCCI, Dante e la «bella scola» della poesia, in Dante e la «bella scola» della poesia Autorità e sfida poetica, a cura di A.A. IANNUCCI, G.C. ALESSIO, C. VILLA et alii, Ravenna, Longo, 1993, pp. 19-37. - M. MOCAN, Il miglior fabbro d’amore. Ancora su Arnaut Daniel nella ‘Commedia’, in Santi, giullari, romanzieri, poeti Studi per Franco Suitner, a cura di G. CRIMI, L. MARCOZZI, A. PEGORETTI, Ravenna, Longo, 2022, pp. 83-90. - *M. PETOLETTI, Canto XXV «Taccia Lucano. Taccia […] Ovidio», in Lectura Dantis Romana, Cento canti per cento anni. I. Inferno. Canti XVIII-XXXIV, a cura di E. MALATO e A. MAZZUCCHI, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2013, vol. II, pp. 802-22, solo le pp. 812-822.
The articles marked by an asterisk will be included in the Dispense del corso (course materials assembled by the lecturer), together with a selection of passages from other works by Dante, texts by other authors (classics and vernacular) and notes by the lecturer. Other material will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page (MOODLE).
Students are strongly advised to attend classes regularly. Students unable to attend are required to contact the lecturer.