Short forms of narrative and their architecture
Particularly corresponding to the present time, the short forms of narrative by twentieth-century women writers and authors constitute an important chapter in Italian literary history, from the novelle of Deledda and Pirandello to the short stories of Elsa Morante, Beppe Fenoglio and Primo Levi, to the short forms of Alice Ceresa and Giorgio Manganelli and even very recent experiences, such as that of Patrizia Cavalli. The course also aims to investigate their architecture in book form, tracing back the current critical debate.
(reference books)
The Department of Humanities' e-learning platform Moodle will feature pdfs of recent critical essays.
Reference bibliography: Sergio Atzeni, Bellas Mariposas, Palermo, Sellerio, 1996 Anna Banti, Il coraggio delle donne. Racconti, Milano, La Tartaruga, 1983 Maria Bellonci, Segni sul muro. Racconti, Milano, Mondadori, 1988 Patrizia Cavalli, Con passi giapponesi, Torino, Einaudi, 2019 Alice Ceresa, La morte del padre (1979), Milano, La Tartaruga/La nave di Teseo, 2022 Grazia Deledda, Come solitudine. Storie e novelle da un'isola, con uno scritto di Antonella Anedda, Roma, Donzelli, 2006 Beppe Fenoglio, Tutti i racconti, ed. Luca Bufano, Torino, Einaudi, 2007 Primo Levi, Il sistema periodico, Torino, Einaudi, 1975 Manganelli, Giorgio, Centuria. Cento piccoli romanzi fiume, Milano, Rizzoli, 1979 Savina Dolores Massa, Ogni madre, Nuoro, Il Maestrale, 2012 Elsa Morante, Lo scialle andaluso, Torino, Einaudi, 1963 Luigi Pirandello, Racconti fantastici, ed. Gabriele Pedullà, Torino, Einaudi, 2010