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20710215 Letteratura spagnola I in Languages and Literatures for Intercultural Communication L-11 Per LMLC e altri CDS RESTA ILARIA
Female models and types in Spanish literature: a journey through time and literary genres. Women and love, women and violence, women and stereotypes, women and the search for personal and sexual freedom... Since the end of the Middle Ages, unforgettable, paradigmatic female types have emerged in Spanish literature: we will study some of them, over a very wide time span, which will give us the opportunity to dwell on some major moments of cultural change. Furthermore, the variety of genres considered (theatre, fiction, poetry) will also allow us to begin to familiarise ourselves with the specific languages and techniques of these literary forms.
N.B. Students with a surname beginning with a letter between A and L (=channel A-L) will take the course with Prof. F. Antonucci in the SECOND SEMESTER. M-Z students will take the course with Prof. Resta in the FIRST SEMESTER.
(reference books)
1) TEXTS (to be studied in full; where a specific edition is required, it is the one required for the exam preparation):
- F. de Rojas, La Celestina, introduzione di C. Samonà, Milano, BUR (compulsory edition); - P. Calderón de la Barca, La dama duende, traduzione, introduzione e note di F. Antonucci in Il teatro dei secoli d’oro, II, a cura di M. Grazia Profeti, Milano, Bompiani, 2015, pp. 11-241 (compulsory edition made available by the teachers); - E. Pardo Bazán, “El indulto”, “El encaje roto”, “Las medias rojas” (“L’indulto”, “Il pizzo strappato”, “Le calze rosse”), original and translation in: E. Pardo Bazán, Il pizzo strappato. Racconti sulla violenza contro le donne, a cura di Valentina Nider, Venezia, Marsilio, 2021, (compulsory edition); - F. García Lorca, “Lucía Martínez”, “Romance de la pena negra”, “La casada infiel” (texts made available by the teachers).