Anthropological mutation or end of the world? Pasolini, De Martino and the metamorphosis of everyday life.
The course will be divided into two parts. The first part can be thought of as a general introduction to Pasolini's work. The second as a comparative discussion on the theme of anthropological mutation. In the first round of lectures, poetic texts, narrative works, essays, articles and films will be analyzed, reconstructing the itinerary that led Pasolini to focus on the theme of anthropological mutation. Special attention will be given to the last phase of his artistic work, through a cross-reading of essays (Scritti corsari, Lettere Luterane, Descrizioni di descrizioni), the novel Petrolio and the film Salò o le centoventi giornate di Sodoma. In the second round of lectures, we will instead work on the theme of anthropological mutation, comparing Pasolini's analysis with that of other contemporary authors and artists. We will read passages from Ernesto de Martino's The End of the World and then broaden the discussion to other theoretical perspectives straddling theory, cinema and art. Among the authors discussed: Gunter Anders (Man is Outdated); Jean Baudrillard (The Consumer Society; America); Fredric Jameson, (Postmodernism); Peter Sloterdijk (Spheres); Yuval Noah Harari (From Animals to Gods); David Graeber (Magic and Revolution); Fritjor Capra (The Turning Point). Novels and films discussed: Norman Mailer, The White Negro; Lars Von Tryer, Melancholia; Cormac Mc.Carthy, The Road; Annie Ernaux, The Years; Werner Erzog, The Cave of Lost Dreams; Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer.
(reference books)
Saggi: E. de Martino, La fine del mondo. Contributo all'analisi delle apocalissi culturali, Einaudi, Torino 2019. P.P. Pasolini, Scritti corsari e Lettere Luterane (qualsiasi edizione). S.Consigliere (a cura di), Magia e rivoluzione, Deriveapprodi, Roma 2023
Romanzi: C. Mc Carthy, La strada, Einaudi, Torino (2006) A. Ernaux, Gli anni, L'orma, Roma (2015)
Film: W.Herzog, La caverna dei sogni dimenticati (2010) L.V.Trier, Melancholia (2014) C.Nolan, Oppenheimer (2023)