1) Elements, substances and stoichiometric calculations. 2) Atomic electronic structure and periodic classification of the elements. 3) Chemical bond theory- molecular structures and geometries. 4) Oxidation states of the elements, redox reactions, nomenclature. 5) Aggregation states of the matter. 6) Chemical thermodynamics. 7) Multi-phase equilibrium of non chemically reactive substances. 8) Properties of the solutions. 10) Ionic equilibrium in watery solution.
(reference books)
Nivaldo J. Tro – Chimica un approccio molecolare – EdiSES M.Schiavello; L. Palmisano- Fondamenti di chimica- EdiSES Nivaldo, J.Tro - Chimica - Un approccio molecolare - EdiSES Whitten, Davis, Peck, Stanley-Chimica- Piccin Silvestroni, Rallo - Problemi di Chimica Generale- Ed. Masson