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21810465 GLOBAL HISTORY in Political science L-36 SEBASTIANI DAVID
Title: Scritture dell'ecumene – XV-XIX sec. The following topics will be explored:
1. Ancient ecumene, modern ecumene. 2. Weltwille: what is a colony? 3. Empire vs dominion. 4. Metamorphosis of sovereignty: definitions, boundaries, passages. 5. "Of temporal royalties he thinks me now incapable": castaways, derelicts, slaves, prisoners, tourists. 6. "I quietly take to the ship": conquerors, cartographers, merchants.
(reference books)
The course is structured as a seminar. Texts and materials for class discussion will be provided.
For those planning to take the exam without attending classes, the program includes: 1) Charles H. Parker, Global Interactions in the Modern Age - 1400-1800 (Il Mulino); 2) a text selected from the list available on the course page.