The course is divided into three parts. The first one is dedicated to Kantian reflection on the relationship between republic and peace, in particular on the role that constitutionalism can play inside and outside the State to guarantee (universal) protection of rights. Beyond the contextualization of the Kantian project will be evaluated its ability to provide analytic tools also for contemporary democracy. The second part will show some problematic issues of current democracy, also in its impact on the international system. The third part is devoted to some of the authors who were fundamental to peace theory, in a historical path aimed at framing peace as a fundamental political good.
(reference books)
1. F. Silvestrini, Il filosofo e lo Stato. Leggere il "Decennio politico" kantiano (1790-1800), IF Press, Roma 2023
2. L. Bonanate (a cura di), Teoria politica e democrazia. Dal passato al futuro, Franco Angeli, Milano 2011 (escluse parti III e V) Parte I. Dimensioni della teoria politica; Parte II. I grandi temi della teoria democratica; Parte IV. La democrazia al di là dei confini
3. L. Russi, Pensare la pace, a cura di F. Silvestrini e L. Mastrangelo, LeN, Roma 2021, only pp. 31-116