The focus of the course is non-fiction prose in the Spanish language. After an introduction to the historical and cultural context, the themes, argumentative techniques and linguistic strategies of some of the essays in the bibliography will be analysed. Students will be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired through a series of assignments, mainly aimed at the writing of short essays and, occasionally, at the analysis of translation problems related to the textual typology under study
(reference books)
1) Textbooks and critical essays Montolío, Estrella, Manual de escritura académica y profesional, I. Estrategias gramaticales, II. Estrategias discursivas, Barcelona, Ariel, 2014. Disponible edizione ebook della versione in due volumi. Alcaide Lara, Esperanza R., La argumentación lingüística y sus medios de expresión, Madrid, Arco Libros, 2010. Vicente Cervera, Belén Hernández - Mª Dolores Adsuar (eds.), El ensayo como género literario, Murcia, Universidad, 2005 (articoli di Pedro Aullón de Haro, Elena Arenas Cruz, José María Pozuelo Yvancos). Disponibile online: https://libros.um.es/editum/catalog/book/971 Gracia, Jordi – Ródenas de Moya, Domingo, Pensar por ensayos en la España del siglo XX, Barcelona, UAB, 2015, pp. 13-261. Eventual other bibliographical references will be provided during the course. 2) Texts Ortega y Gasset, José, El hombre y la gente, ed. Luciano Pellicani, Madrid, Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 2016. Pérez de Ayala, Ramón, El espíritu liberal: antología de ensayos, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2004 or o Ortega y Gasset, José, La deshumanización del arte, Madrid, Alianza, 2019. Trapiello, Andrés, Las armas y las letras. Literatura y guerra civil (1936-1939), Barcelona, Destino, 2022 (3ª ed.). Vallespín, Fernando, La sociedad de la intolerancia, Barcelona, Galaxia Gutemberg, 2021. Paz, Octavio, Tiempo nublado, Barcelona, Planeta, 1995 (or other edition).
Additional mandatory material for students who have failed their final tests (written essay and oral presentation) and for non-attending students. Marías, Julián, España inteligible. Razón histórica de las Españas, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2020.