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20710457 La literatura española en el espejo del tiempo in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation LM-37 PEZZINI SARA
The course aims to analyse one of Luis de Góngora's "major" poems, the «Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea» (1612 ca). After having identified the features of the so-called "poesía nueva", as well as its reception in the 17th century, the course will focus on the impact of Góngora's poetry in some Spanish authors of the 20th century. The programme will concentrate on 3 analytical moments:
1. «Polifemo y Galatea»: analysis of text and context.
2. The reception of Gongora's poetry: golden polemic and neoclassical and nineteenth-century oblivion. Some examples.
3. Poetic and critical anthology of the "Generation of '27"; analysis of the texts and the context.
The course will be taught entirely in Spanish.
1. Luis de Góngora, «Polifemo y Galatea», ed. de Jesús Ponce Cárdenas, Madrid, Cátedra
2. Selection of poetic and critical texts by: Federico García Lorca, Gerardo Diego, Jorge Guillén, Luis Cernuda, Dámaso Alonso (provided by the teacher).
• Cèlia Nadal, «Viaje a la oscuridad. Encuentro con las Soledades de Góngora y sus lectores», Pacini Editore, Pisa, 2020. Chapter selection • Jesús Ponce Cárdenas, Victorias Aranda Arribas, «Reescrituras gongorinas en la poesía española contemporánea (1927-2014)», SIAL/TRIVIUM, Madrid 2021. Chapter selection • Romeu, Vivian, «Guías metodológicas para el análisis de los textos poéticos. Una propuesta», 2010, pp. 1-20 (proporcionado por la docente) • Estudio introductivo y notas de Jesús Ponce Cárdenas (See 1. Texts) • Pietro G. Beltrami, «Gli strumenti della poesia», Il Mulino • José Domínguez Caparrós, «Diccionario de métrica española», Alianza Editorial • Other critical materials provided by the teacher
(reference books)