Module 1: Analysis of the tradition regarding the teaching of philosophy in Italy, from the Gentile reform, to the Brocca commission project, to the guidelines for upper secondary schools. Module 2: analysis and comparison of the main teaching models of philosophy teaching. Module 3: the centrality of the philosophical text in the teaching of philosophy: analysis, commentary, paraphrase. Module 4: argumentative writing: the philosophical essay between demonstration and argumentation; main rhetorical arguments. Module 5: assessing philosophical competences: which didactic methodologies for which competences. Module 6: Classroom exercises.
(reference books)
Caputo A. (2019), Manuale di didattica della filosofia, Armando editore. Gaiani A. (2020), Insegnare concetti. La filosofia nella scuola di oggi, Carocci. Gambetti F. (2023) Teaching Philosophy in Italy. A Country Report, in «Journal of Didactics of Philosophy», 7, pp. 1-4, https://doi.org/10.46586/JDPh.2023.10400 Modugno A. (2014), Filosofia e didattica. Apprendimento e acquisizione di competenze a scuola, Carocci.