Derived from
20704096 ESTETICA in Communication Studies L-20 N0 IANNELLI FRANCESCA
First and foremost, the course aims to provide an overview of the main aesthetic categories--from the beautiful to the ugly, from the interesting to the Kitsch, from the sublime to horror and terror--to assess their relevance in contemporary art practices. In addition to this, it will explore - in general - the conception of the museum between past and present, tradition and innovation.
(reference books)
Francesca Iannelli: Dissonanze contemporanee. Arte e vita in un tempo inconciliato. Quodlibet 2010 (up p. 206). Krzysztof Pomian: Il museo. Una storia mondiale. Vol. 2: affermazione europea, 1789-1850, only cap. 23: "La Germania", Einaudi 2022, pp. 231-299. Evelina Christillin, Christian Greco: Le memorie del futuro. Musei e ricerca, Einaudi 2021. Musei e media digitali, di Nicolette Mandarano, Carocci 2019