The course will offer an introduction to reasoning and argumentation, with a special focus on the key features, domain of application and potential fallacies of each type of inference. The first part of the course will be devoted to introducing the basic features of deductive logic, while the second part will focus on the various forms of non-deductive, in particular inductive and abductive, reasoning.
(reference books)
F. D. D’Agostini, Le ali al pensiero, Carocci. A. Coliva, E. Lalumera, Pensare. Leggi ed errori del ragionamento, Carocci. G. Sergioli, voce 'Fallacie argomentative', in APhEX, online all'indirizzo: http://www.aphex.it/index.php?Temi=557D0301220274032104060A777327.