Cell biology: Differences between eukaryotic and procaryotic cells; Characteristics and functions of biological membranes; Nucleus, cytoskeleton and organelles; Cell transport; Cell metabolism; Cell Cycle; Apoptosis; Nucleic Acids and Protein synthesis. Principles of Genetic. Evolutionary Biology: evolutionary history of biodiversity; Darwin’s Theory and the Modern evolutionary synthesis; Natural Selection; Adaptation. Levels of Biodiversity; Concept of Species and speciation; Biological Community and Ecosystems; Interspecific Interactions. Organization and general classification of animals. Deepening of aspects of systematics and morpho-functional adaptations of the main Animal Phyla of medical and pharmaceutical interest as: parasites; producers of functional substances for the animal itself but also of health interest (for example substances dangerous to humans, or potentially useful for the production of medicines); transmission agents of pathogens and parasites of interest to the human species (zooanthroponosis and anthropozoonosis).
(reference books)
Solomon E.P., Martin C.E.,, Martin D.W., Berg L.R., Biologia - VIII edizione. EdiSES Hickman C.P., Keen S.L., Eisenhour, D.J, Larson A., l'Anson H., Zoologia - 18° edizione. McGrawHill