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20110603 Legal Clinic European law Perspectives on Innovation Challenges - EPIC Jean Monnet Module in Law LMG/01 BATTELLI ETTORE
Through a cross-disciplinary and transversal approach (administrative law, European law, financial sciences; provided by the lecturers who are members of the research group of the Jean Monnet EPIC Module Project - European Law Perspectives on Innovation Challenges), the Clinic looks at the main legal, economic and social challenges of technological innovation: from Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain, from algorithmic systems to the circulation of personal data. The course aims at fostering the understanding of digital market dynamics also through the critical analysis of traditional categories and institutions, with a special focus on phenomena related to the so-called new digital vulnerabilities.
(reference books)
ETTORE BATTELLI, Diritto privato digitale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022. The Professor will supply all the required materials (mainly slides and notes) available on the e-learning platform.