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21210405 Economics of inequality in Environmental Economics, labour and sustainable development LM-56 SCARLATO MARGHERITA
The course focuses on uneven growth mechanisms and between-countries inequality; drivers of within-countries inequality; political institutions and distributive conflict; definitions and measures of inequality in outcomes (e.g., income and wage); labour income inequality; inequality between social groups (by race and gender); the impact of climate change mitigation policies on employment and earnings. Policy evaluation methods of welfare and labour market policies are also considered. Lessons include comparisons of theories and evidence on developed and developing countries. Lessons: 1.Institutions, inequality and development : Methodological introduction 2.Economic institutions, growth and poverty traps 3. Distributional justice, income inequality, inequality of opportunity 4. Income inequality: definitions and measures 5. Wage inequality: theory and evidence 6. Race and gender in the labour market 7. Discrimination: theory and evidence 8. Social mobility and intergenerational inequality 9. Inequality and redistribution: economic and political drivers 10. Climate change, labour market and inequality
(reference books)
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