Sustainable Development, Global Economy and Social Rights: why we need a linkage The International Labour Organization. The International Labour Standards The balance between competition and social rights at European level: the internal action of EU The EU internal action The EU as an international actor: the external action European Trade Agreements International Trade Agreements National and international CSR Codes of Conduct and CSR tools: an evolutionary perspective The social clause The most important international trade agreements The role of multinational companies
Laws regulating Labour contracts and status, social security systems and industrial relations Social Clauses, Codes of Conduct and CSR: an evolutionary perspective Selected case studies, guest lectures and students’ presentations
(reference books)
Title book J. M. Servais, International Labour Law, Seventh edition, Wolters Kluwer International, 2022. Additionally/Alternatively, just for Italian speaking students, Brino V., Perulli A., Diritto Internazionale del Lavoro, Terza edizione, Giappichelli, Torino, 2023.