Business Economics The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and tools useful for understanding business economics. In the first part of the course: the basic knowledge for understanding the structure and behavior of the business system. In the second part of the course, students are provided with the basic tools on the subject of crisis and corporate recovery and business ethics.
Syllabus Module One: Business Administration Theory (4 University Credits) Business economics as an economic science. The company as an institution: assets, management and organization. The company and human needs (Maslow's Theory). For-profit companies and non-profit organizations. Legal entity and Economic entity. The company, group and collective economy efficiency: costs and returns. Corporate efficiency: Break Even Analysis.
Module Two: Business Crisis and Corporate Recovery (4 University Credits) Crisis and decline, insolvency and failure causes of the crisis: inefficiency, overcapacity, products, programming and innovation. Remediation and turnaround, remediation and termination. The turnaround project. The actors of the recovery. Ethical theories. Economic Ethics. Ethics and business in socio-organizational sciences. Stakeholder Theory. Corporate Social Responsibility.
(reference books)
G. Zanda, Fondamenti di Economia Aziendale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015 (escluse appendici).
E. D’Amico, Economia dei Gruppi Aziendali, CEDAM, 2006 (capitoli: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ).
Nel corso delle lezioni verranno forniti precisi riferimenti per l’utilizzo dei testi consigliati, nonché indicazioni bibliografiche e/o materiale integrativo per eventuali approfondimenti su specifiche tematiche. Le dispense riguardanti l'organizzazione, le fonti di finanziamento esterne e l'economia dei gruppi aziendali sono presenti sul profilo Moodle.