The most relevant theoretical and methodological topics for the Psychology of the arts will be treated. The psychological approach to the arts: the artist, the artwork and the viewer. Methods of study: the psychoanalysis of the art, Gestalt psychology, experimental aesthetics and neuroesthetics. Art, perception and visual communication: symmetry, balance, rhythm, dynamics, expression. The relationship between visual and auditory perception, images and music. The aesthetic experience. The museum fruition.
(reference books)
Texts and articles for the exam
Texts 1) Mastandrea, S. (2015/21), "Psicologia dell’arte", Carocci 2) Falcinelli R. (2020). Figure: Come funzionano le immagini dal Rinascimento a Instagram, Einaudi
Two articles, download from Formonline (Psicologia delle arti): a) Mastandrea S. et al. (2019), Visits to figurative art museums may lower blood pressure and stress. "Arts & Health", 11 (2), pp. 123-132, b) Mastandrea, S. (2019). Emotional education through the arts: Perception of wellbeing [L’educazione emozionale con l’arte: la percezione del benessere]. "Journal of Educational, Cult. and Psych. Studies", 20, pp. 203-214.