The course aims to provide students with the conceptual tools and essential skills to understand, design and evaluate research interventions in the educational field. The course contents will be focused on the founding nodes of the discipline and their impact and application in terms of the educator's professionalism. At the end of the course students will be able to - distinguish the main basic concepts of educational research methodology; - know the implementation phases of a qualitative and quantitative research process; - know the main survey and intervention strategies and techniques in the educational field, as well as the tools used for data collection, coding and analysis. Detailed programme of the Course: the phases of a research project; identification of the research topic; definition of research questions; analysis of the bibliography on the research topic; choice of hypotheses and indicators; research design; data collection, analysis and restitution.
(reference books)
1. DOMENICI G., LUCISANO P., BIASI V., Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione, McGraw-Hill, 2021.
2. CARDO, C., VILA, B., VEGA, S. (2016), Giochi e esperimenti al nido. Attività di manipolazione, esplorazione e scoperta Trento: Erickson.