The course will be divided into two parts: General part: 1.The object and the method 2.The great models of comparative law: civil law and common law 3.The forms of state and government 4.Fundamental rights and constitutional interpretation
Special part:
Fundamental rights in the field of intercultural research 1. Pluralist principle and cultural relativism 2. Looking East; 2.1. …Looking to the African continent; 2.2. …Looking to Latin American countries 3. The dual nature of the dignity-rights relationship: some examples
(reference books)
Students that will attend the lectures must study:
G. Morbidelli, M. Volpi, G.Cerrina Feroni, Diritto costituzionale comparato, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020. S. Bonfiglio, Costituzionalismo meticcio. Oltre il colonialismo dei diritti umani, Giappichelli, Torino 2016.