To provide basic elements to recognize, describe and classify sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic rocks; reconstruction of genetic process and tectonic environment. Recognize, analyze and describe tectonic structure.
20410640 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Laboratory Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
LECTURES Module 1. INTRODUCTION Plate tectonics and plate margins. The Wilson cycle. Composition and structure of the crust and lithosphere: continental and oceanic (ophiolites). Main provinces composing the plates. Distribution of rocks on the Earth's surface in the world and in Italy. The rock cycle. General concepts and principles of stratigraphy. The time scale. Stratigraphic units. Lithostratigraphy (units and relationships between units) and its applications (e.g., geological maps, sedimentary environments, correlations). Main sedimentary basins in divergent, convergent and transcurrent contexts: classification and controlling factors. Main deformation mechanisms in the crust. Module 2. LITHOGENESIS AND DEFORMATION OF DIVERGENT MARGINS Distribution of divergent margins in the plate puzzle. Brittle extensional tectonics: normal faults, normal fault systems (geometry, kinematics). Extensional sedimentary basins and their tectono-stratigraphic evolution: from continental rift to oceanic rift, development of passive margins. Anatomy and classification of passive margins. Salt tectonics. Oceanic rift (morphology, magmatism, metamorphism). Models of divergent margin evolution: pure shear, simple shear. Module 3. LITHOGENESIS AND DEFORMATION OF CONVERGENT MARGINS Distribution of convergent margins in the plate puzzle. Evolution of convergent margins: from subduction to collision (magmatism and metamorphism). Brittle compressional tectonics: reverse faults, overthrusts, folds. Fold and overthrust systems (geometry, kinematics). Sedimentary basins in convergent contexts and their tectono-stratigraphic evolution: oceanic trench basins, forearc and retroarc basins, foredeep and thrust-top basins. Anatomy and classification of orogens. Module 4. LITHOGENESIS AND DEFORMATION OF TRANSFORM MARGINS Distribution of transform margins in the plate puzzle. Brittle transcurrent tectonics: transcurrent faults and strike-slip deformation systems (geometry, kinematics). Sedimentary basins in transcurrent contexts.
IN-DOOR LABORATORY Introduction to the study of sedimentary rocks; siliciclastic rocks; carbonate rocks and marine carbonate environments; evaporitic rocks; rocks of organic origin; residual rocks. Introduction to Geological Map Reading. Reading and interpretation of the geological map of the Grand Canyon on a small scale, Sora sheet on a 100,000 scale, Spoleto sheet on a 50,000 scale, use of stereographic projections to represent geological planes and lines, use of the compass.
FIELD TRIP (Interdisciplinary field work) Geological-regional Excursion through the central Italy, from the Tuscan-Lazio peri-Tyrrhenian extensional margin to the Umbria-Marche Apennine fold and thrust belt, with the development of three main themes and five thematic exercises for the collection and processing of field data. Theme 1. Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the peri-Tyrrhenian margin (Tarquinia, Civitavecchia) Aims and methods: reconstruction of coastal uplift through morphological survey and micropaleontological sampling of marine terraces (in the field), microscopic analysis of microfauna meaning for age and facies assessment, analysis of aerial photographs, integration of analytical results (in the classroom), calculation of uplift and drafting of a descriptive report on the recent evolution of the margin. Theme 2. Tectonic, magmatic and sedimentary evolution of the peri-Tyrrhenian margin and relations with the compressional evolution of the Apennine chain (Boccheggiano, Massa Marittima) Aims and methods: reconstruction of survey excerpts and framing of the deformation style and extensional kinematics and of the associated lithogenetic processes (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks) by means of geological survey for the collection of field data, measurement of plane and line attitude, rock recognition, processing of the data collected for the reconstruction of the main structures surveyed. Theme 3. Tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Apennine chain in the Umbria-Marches domain (Valnerina) Aims and methods: reconstruction of simple geological maps and regional cross sections to assess the deformation style and kinematics of Miocene compressional tectonics and Quaternary extensional tectonics. Collection of meso-scale structural data. Reconstruction of the Meso-Cenozoic stratigraphic succession. Pleistocene stratigraphic and morphologic evolution (through travertine analysis) of the Nera River at the confluence with the Corno River. Reading and interpretation of geological and topographical cartography at various scales.
(reference books)
Handouts and scientific articles distributed by the lecturer
Mottana M., Crespi R. Minerali e rocce. ISBN 9788837029562
PRESS Frank , SIEVER Raymond , GROTZINGER John , JORDAN Thomas H 2006. CAPIRE LA TERRA. ISBN 978-8808-07991-6 Trad. di P. Fredi, revisione di E. Lupia Palmieri e M. Parotto. Zanichelli ed. pp. 672
Tucker ME 2010. Geologia del sedimentario 2010. Rocce, strutture sedimentarie, ambienti deposizionali. ISBN 9788857900414. 384 pp.
Venturini c. 2012. Realizzare e leggere carte e sezioni geologiche Un approccio alla geologia di terreno e alla sua rappresentazione cartografica. dario flaccovio ed.ISBN 9788857901534. pp.224.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
A project evaluation
Module 1. INTRODUCTION Plate tectonics and plate margins. The Wilson cycle. Composition and structure of the crust and lithosphere: continental and oceanic (ophiolites). Main provinces composing the plates. Distribution of rocks on the Earth's surface in the world and in Italy. The rock cycle. General concepts and principles of stratigraphy. The time scale. Stratigraphic units. Lithostratigraphy (units and relationships between units) and its applications (e.g., geological maps, sedimentary environments, correlations). Main sedimentary basins in divergent, convergent and transcurrent contexts: classification and controlling factors. Main deformation mechanisms in the crust.
Module 2. LITHOGENESIS AND DEFORMATION OF DIVERGENT MARGINS Distribution of divergent margins in the plate puzzle. Brittle extensional tectonics: normal faults, normal fault systems (geometry, kinematics). Extensional sedimentary basins and their tectono-stratigraphic evolution: from continental rift to oceanic rift, development of passive margins. Anatomy and classification of passive margins. Salt tectonics. Oceanic rift (morphology, magmatism, metamorphism). Models of divergent margin evolution: pure shear, simple shear.
Module 3. LITHOGENESIS AND DEFORMATION OF CONVERGENT MARGINS Distribution of convergent margins in the plate puzzle. Evolution of convergent margins: from subduction to collision (magmatism and metamorphism). Brittle compressional tectonics: reverse faults, overthrusts, folds. Fold and overthrust systems (geometry, kinematics). Sedimentary basins in convergent contexts and their tectono-stratigraphic evolution: oceanic trench basins, forearc and retroarc basins, foredeep and thrust-top basins. Anatomy and classification of orogens.
Module 4. LITHOGENESIS AND DEFORMATION OF TRANSFORM MARGINS Distribution of transform margins in the plate puzzle. Brittle transcurrent tectonics: transcurrent faults and strike-slip deformation systems (geometry, kinematics). Sedimentary basins in transcurrent contexts.
IN-DOOR LABORATORY Introduction to the study of sedimentary rocks; siliciclastic rocks; carbonate rocks and marine carbonate environments; evaporitic rocks; rocks of organic origin; residual rocks. Introduction to Geological Map Reading. Reading and interpretation of the geological map of the Grand Canyon on a small scale, Sora sheet on a 100,000 scale, Spoleto sheet on a 50,000 scale, use of stereographic projections to represent geological planes and lines, use of the compass.
FIELD TRIP (Interdisciplinary field work) Geological-regional Excursion through the central Italy, from the Tuscan-Lazio peri-Tyrrhenian extensional margin to the Umbria-Marche Apennine fold and thrust belt, with the development of three main themes and five thematic exercises for the collection and processing of field data.
Theme 1. Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the peri-Tyrrhenian margin (Tarquinia, Civitavecchia) Aims and methods: reconstruction of coastal uplift through morphological survey and micropaleontological sampling of marine terraces (in the field), microscopic analysis of microfauna meaning for age and facies assessment, analysis of aerial photographs, integration of analytical results (in the classroom), calculation of uplift and drafting of a descriptive report on the recent evolution of the margin.
Theme 2. Tectonic, magmatic and sedimentary evolution of the peri-Tyrrhenian margin and relations with the compressional evolution of the Apennine chain (Boccheggiano, Massa Marittima) Aims and methods: reconstruction of survey excerpts and framing of the deformation style and extensional kinematics and of the associated lithogenetic processes (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks) by means of geological survey for the collection of field data, measurement of plane and line attitude, rock recognition, processing of the data collected for the reconstruction of the main structures surveyed.
Theme 3. Tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Apennine chain in the Umbria-Marches domain (Valnerina) Aims and methods: reconstruction of simple geological maps and regional cross sections to assess the deformation style and kinematics of Miocene compressional tectonics and Quaternary extensional tectonics. Collection of meso-scale structural data. Reconstruction of the Meso-Cenozoic stratigraphic succession. Pleistocene stratigraphic and morphologic evolution (through travertine analysis) of the Nera River at the confluence with the Corno River. Reading and interpretation of geological and topographical cartography at various scales.
(reference books)
Lecture notes and scientific articles distributed by the teacher
Mottana M., Crespi R. Minerali e rocce. ISBN 9788837029562
PRESS Frank , SIEVER Raymond , GROTZINGER John , JORDAN Thomas H 2006. CAPIRE LA TERRA. ISBN 978-8808-07991-6 Trad. di P. Fredi, revisione di E. Lupia Palmieri e M. Parotto. Zanichelli ed. pp. 672
Tucker ME 2010. Geologia del sedimentario 2010. Rocce, strutture sedimentarie, ambienti deposizionali. ISBN 9788857900414. 384 pp.
Venturini c. 2012. Realizzare e leggere carte e sezioni geologiche Un approccio alla geologia di terreno e alla sua rappresentazione cartografica. dario flaccovio ed.ISBN 9788857901534. pp.22
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
A project evaluation
Study of marine terraces (Tarquinia and Montalto di Castro area, northern Latium) and their tectonic meaning by field survey, air-photo interpretation and palaeontologic analysis.
(reference books)
hand-outs provided by the professor
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Written test
The first part of the Muldisciplinary field activity (Paleontology) consists of one day on the field and two ays of laboratorial activity. The field activity is carried out in the Tarquinia and Montalto Di Castro areas (northern Latium) the laboratorial activity is developed in the Roma Tre Laboratory of Paleontology and Photogeology, provided with steromicroscopes. During the first day, students learn how to draw a stratigraphic log of two sedimentary successions, characterised by different thicknesses and lithologies, measuring the bedding and making microscopical observations on the rock texture, mineralogical and paleontological composition (with the 10x lens). Students collect two samples that will be studied in the following days. During the two following days in the Lab, students carry on the micropaleontological analysis of the collected samples, counting benthic and planktonic foraminifers and picking the ostracod valves for their specific identification and the calculation of the percentage frequencies. At the end of the analyses, students, guided by teachers, discuss the results providing the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the examined sedimentary successions in the frame of the landscape evolution. Finally, students are required to write a report which includes two topographic profiles, two geomorphological maps of terraces, the calculations to obtain the palaeo-bathymetry of the examined deposits and the Plio-Pleistocene uplift rates of the studied Tyrrhenian coastal sector.
(reference books)
Atlas of Ostracods (Teacher handhouts)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam