1. Innovation: stylized facts and key definitions 2. Innovation models, market structure and industrial dynamics 3. Innovation and economic growth 4. Innovative enterprise: knowledge, skills and organization 5. Technological regimes and sectoral innovation systems 6. The diffusion of innovation 7. Geography of innovation 8. Innovation systems 9. Globalization of innovation 10. The economics of knowledge 11. The economics of digital platforms
(reference books)
Essential: [1] Malerba, F. (2000). Economia dell'innovazione. Carrocci. [2] Malerba, F., Pianta, M., & Zanfei, A. (2007). Innovazione. Imprese, industrie, economie (pp. 1-305). Carocci.
Recommended for specific topics: [3] Schilling, M. A., & Izzo, F. (2022). Gestione dell'innovazione. McGraw Hill. [4] Weil, D. N., D'Amato, M., & Jappelli, T. (2005). Crescita economica: problemi, dati e metodi di analisi. Hoepli.
Additional readings will be suggested during the course on specific topics.