INTRODUCTION Physical quantities and units of measurement: fundamental and derived units of measurement. Dimensional analysis. System of units of measurement. The international system of units. CALORIMETRY - HEAT TRANSMISSION. - Definition of Heat, Thermal Capacity and specific Heat - Principle of heat conservation - Fundamental laws of heat exchange, Combined exchange mechanisms thermal (convection and radiation conduction), Analogy between thermal flow and flow electric, - Fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, - the law and the Fourier postulate of internal conduct. Permanent one-dimensional conduction. The case of the flat wall, of the composite structure - Fundamentals of heat exchange by radiation. Thermal radiation of the body black, Plank's law, Wien's law. . - Fundamentals of heat transmission by convection. The coefficient of heat transfer by convection. Energy transport mechanism e fluid dynamics, fundamental concepts of the boundary layer. Free and Forced Convection. - Dimensional analysis (outline) - THE CONTEMPORARY PRESENCE OF DIFFERENT EXCHANGE MODES - Transmittance
BASIC THERMODYNAMICS Temperature concept. Thermodynamic system. First Principle of Thermodynamics for closed and open systems. Stationary and non-stationary regimes. Enthalpy. Capacity thermal and specific heat. Second Principle of Thermodynamics. Temperature thermodynamics. Thermal machine, refrigerator, heat pump. - Thermodynamics of moist air (Psychrometry) Mixture of air and water vapor: title, hygrometric degree, enthalpy, etc. Psychrometric chart. Main thermodynamic transformations of air mixtures vapor. -Thermodynamics applied to the building The thermodynamic "building" system and the main parameters that define it. The concept of a thermodynamic system intended as a building-plant system. The concept of requirement energy.
BASIC ACOUSTICS Definition of sound. Frequency, period, wavelength. Sound pressure, Intensity sound; Sound power. Levels in decibels. Decibel operations. Elements of psychophysical acoustics, average normal audiogram, weighting curves, decibel A. Calculation of the reverberation time of a room. Sound absorbing materials. Soundproofing power and Acoustic insulation of rooms.
ELEMENTS OF LIGHTING Main photometric quantities. The importance of natural and artificial lighting in design for the purpose of visual well-being and energy saving. The average light factor daytime. Total flow method
(reference books)
Italo Barducci, "Trasmissione del calore", Esa Editrice Yunus A. Çengel, “Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer”, McGraw-Hill Italo Barducci, "Termodinamica applicata", Esa Editrice Italo Barducci, "Acustica applicata", Esa Editrice Alfredo Badagliacca "Fondamenti di Fisica Tecnica", Edizioni Ingegneria 2000