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21210235 Advanced Microeconomics in Economics LM-56 TIRELLI MARIO
Part 1: Consumer and production theory 1.1 Consumer theory: Classical demand theory (budget constraint, preferences, utility, consumption demand, indirect utility, expenditure function, welfare evaluation, equivalent and compensating variation, axioms of revealed preferences). 1.2 Production theory: Production sets. Profit maximization and cost minimization. The geometry of costs.
Part 2: Choice under uncertainty 2.1 Theory: Lotteries. Preferences over lotteries. Expected Utility Theory (EUT). Money lotteries and risk aversion. Comparison of payoff distributions in terms of returns and risk. Subjective probabilities. Some criticisms to EUT. 2.2 Applications: insurance and portfolio choice.
Part 3: Aggregation 3.1 Demand aggregation. 3.2 Supply aggregation. 3.3 On the existence of a "representative agent".
Part 4: General competitive equilibrium and its welfare properties 4.1 Simple economies: the Edgworth box, 1 producer \& 1 consumer economy, 2X2 economy. 4.2 Pareto optimality and social welfare optima: feasibility, Pareto optimal problem, welfare function, Pareto frontier.
Part 5: Possible additional topics 5.1 The positive theory of equilibrium Existence, uniqueness. 5.2 Competitive equilibrium under uncertainty: Markets for contingent commodities. Arrow-Debreu equilibrium. Markets for assets and insurance policies. Back to welfare properties of competitive equilibria. Sequential trade and incomplete markets. 5.3 Basic principles of financial economics: The fundamental theorem of asset pricing. Mean-variance analysis.
(reference books)
A. Mas-Colell, M.D. Whinston and J.R. Green, Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University Press, 1995 H. Varian, Microeconomic Analysis, WW Norton and co. New York, III edition.