Basic concepts and potential scattering in atomic collision. Electron-atom collision. Scattering from surfaces. Energy loss spectroscopy. Dielectric theory. Resonant Channels, Fano profiles. Photoemission and photoabsorption spectroscopies. Phenomenology of photoemission and photoabsorption experiments. The Koopmans theorem, satellite peaks, Chemical shift. Photemission from solids, the three-step model. Angle resolved photoemission, photoelectron diffraction. Exafs and Nexafs. Interpretation of photoemission spectra. Koopmans' theorem, satellite peaks, limit of interrpetazione to independent particles. Many-body effects. Chemical shift (Lu 6.3.5, Hu 1.4,1.5,2.1,2.2) Photoemission in solids, the three-step model. Examples of applications.
Reverse photoemission (outline) (Lu 6.3, for further information Hu 6) Photoemission resolved in the corner. Valence photoemission and band structure. Photoemission of cores, photoelectrondiffraction. Examples of applications (Lu 6 and Panel XI, Hu 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.1) Outline of scanning probe microscopy (STM, AFM, SNOM) (Lu Panel VI and notes)
(reference books)
BJ B.H. Bransden, C.J. Joachain “Physics of Atoms and Molecules”, Longman Scientific and Technical, John Whiley and sons CM C.M. Bertoni, Radiation-matter interaction: absorption, photoemission, scattering , in: “Synchrotron radiation: fundamentals, methodologies and applications”, S. Mobilio and G. Vlaic Eds.. SIF, Bologna (2003) Lu H. Luth, “Surface and interface of solid materials”, Springer study edition, 1995 Hu S. Hufner, “Photoelectron spectroscopy”, Solid State Sciences Vol. 82, Springer, 1995 SM S. Mobilio, Interaction between radiation and matter: an introduction, in: “Synchrotron radiation: fundamentals, methodologies and applications”, S. Mobilio and G. Vlaic Eds.. SIF, Bologna (2003)