The following topics,among others,are addressed in the course:
1) Public intervention in the economy: economic justifications; theoretical approaches; objectives and instruments. The composition of public sector spending and tax revenues. 2) Fundamentals of Welfare Economics. 3) Normative theories of social choices. 4) The functioning of competitive markets. 5) Consumer and producer choice theory. 6) Market "failures" and public intervention. 7) The role of public goods, the concept of externalities and public remedies to externalities, with emphasis on the public role for environmental protection and combating the climate crisis; 8) The trade-off between efficiency and equity and the redistributive role of public policies; 9) Tax system and economic analysis of taxes: Effect on market equilibrium, and concepts of tax translation and incidence. 10) Functions and requirements of a tax system. 11) Principles of Fairness and Efficiency of a tax system. 12) Composition of a tax system. Structure and effects of individual taxes: personal income tax; business income taxation and corporation tax; wealth-based taxes; inheritance and gift taxes; consumption taxes. 13) The distribution of income and wealth in the population; concepts and indicators of economic inequality; 14) The role of new technologies and machine learning algorithms in guiding public intervention.
(reference books)
Lezioni di scienza delle finanze, di Bruno Bises Due Volumi: • Parte I. L'intervento pubblico nel sistema economico (Edizione IV) Lezioni di Scienza delle finanze - BISES B. | Giappichelli
• Parte II. Il sistema tributario (Edizione IV) https://www.giappichelli.it/studenti/scienze-economiche-e-statistiche/lezioni-di-scienza-delle-finanze-9791221101249
Only for some aspects related to economic analysis, the reference that can be consulted is the e-book The Economics of the Core Econ Project (free to consult): https://www.core-econ.org/project/leconomia/ Other bibliographical references will be provided during the course (the topics covered in class play a crucial role and are not always available in the adopted texts).