1. Background: Risk definition 2. Damage assessment and reduction of the overall impact of flooding by structural and nonstructural mitigation measures 3. Univariate and multivariate statistical methods for design flood evaluation 4. Rainfall Regionalization and derivation of synthetic rainfall events (IDF curves), VAPI project (Italy) 5. Basic aspects of hydraulic models for flood propagation 6. Illustrative example and field of application of mono- and bi-dimensional models 7. Bridge hydraulic problems 8. Methods for flood control: structural (river works) and nonstructural measures 9. Flood risk management: European Flood Directive 2007/60/CE and its implementation in the Italian national context through dl. 49/2010; example form the Tiber River Authority 10. River structures for erosion and sediment control 11. Passive mitigation strategies: levees and diversion canals 12. Active mitigation strategies: flood attenuation systems, in-line and bank-side reservoir
(reference books)
(in Italian) 1. G. Calenda, Infrastrutture Idrauliche Vol. 1 - Idrologia e Risorse Idriche. Edizioni Efesto, 2017 2. Dispense del Prof. Guido Calenda: Lezioni di difesa dalle inondazioni 3. Da Deppo L., C. Datei , Le opere idrauliche nelle costruzioni stradali, Ed.Bios, 1999