BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), statistical ratios , bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Exercises on empirical data regarding statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, variation percentages and index numbers, covariance and correlation.
(reference books)
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) and STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Besides the didactic material available on-line, it is possible to use the following book:
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001.
CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS TO STUDY ON CORBETTA, GASPERONI E PISATI Chap. 1: ALL Chap 2: ALL (EXCEPT: INDICE DI OMOGENEITÀ, Par. 6.) Chap 3: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 4; Par 5.) Chap. 4: ALL Chap. 5: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 2; Par 3; CHI-QUADRATO and V DI CRAMÉR; Subpar. 4.2; Subpar. 4.3 Subpar. 4.4; Par 5)