THEATRE AND POETRY: the verse at the service of the comic, the tragic and the farcical Through the critical reading of a selection of significant texts of Spanish theatre from the Golden Age to the present day, the student will be guided in the acquisition of specific historical-cultural and methodological skills, with particular regard to the relationship that, in diachrony, the theatrical genre has established with verse writing. They will also have the opportunity to apply the skills acquired during classroom practice and sharing activities.
EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES A) Historical-literary and cultural competences - The evolution of poetic forms between tradition and innovation; - The evolution of theatre from corrales to contemporary drama performance spaces;
B) Methodological skills - Methodologies of approach to socio-historical and cultural phenomena; - Methodologies of approach to literary phenomena, with particular attention to the diachronic evolution of the poetic and theatrical genres; - Methodologies of analysing the theatrical text (stylistic-formal and dramaturgical approach, with particular attention to the structuring use of verse writing).
(reference books)
• Lope de Vega, La dama boba, edición crítica de Marco Presotto (versione digitale disponibile on line: http://amsacta.unibo.it/id/eprint/4409/1/La_dama_boba.pdf); è possibile consultare anche una versione con testo a fronte in italiano in M.G. Profeti (a cura di), Il teatro dei Secoli d’oro, Bompiani, vol. I) • Lope de Vega, El caballero de Olmedo, ed. M.G. Profeti (versione digitale disponibile on line: https://artelope.uv.es/biblioteca/textosAL/AL0538_ElCaballeroDeOlmedo.php); è possibile consultare anche una versione con testo a fronte in italiano in M.G. Profeti (a cura di), Il teatro dei Secoli d’oro, Bombiani, vol. I) • Calderón de la Barca, La dama duende (versione digitale disponibile on line: https://emothe.uv.es/biblioteca/textosEMOTHE/EMOTHE0312_LaDamaDuende.php); è possibile consultare anche una versione con testo a fronte in italiano in M.G. Profeti (a cura di), Il teatro dei Secoli d’oro, Bombiani, vol. II) • Calderón de la Barca, El médico de su honra, edición de Fausta Antonucci, in El médico de su honra/El alcalde de Zalamea, Espasa, Real Academia Española, 2021 • Duque de Rivas, Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino, Austral (disponibile anche in ebook) • Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Farsa y licencia de la reina castiza, in Tablado de marionetas (testo e introduzione messi a disposizione dal docente) • Federico García Lorca, Yerma, ed. Miguel García-Posada, Austral • Alberto Conejero, Los días de la nieve/I giorni della neve, a cura di Francesca Leonetti, Roma Nova Delphi Libri, 2022