1. Introduction to the Course, Earth Physics and the Environment
2. Introduction to Python, matrices and vectors, functions
3. Recall to Fourier series and transform. Transfer function, causality, dispersion.
4. Python Exercise, Pulse Response
5. Sampling theorem, aliasing, analytical signal, signal energy
6. Python Exercise, Fourier Transform, FFT
7. Time series
8. Python Exercise, Least Squares problem and Data fitting
9. Introduction to Climate Change
10. Exercise on a time series (CO2 concentration in the atmosphere)
11. Earthquakes and propagation of waves
12. Exercise on a time series (CO2 concentration in the atmosphere)
13. Maxwell equations, constitutive relations
14. Exercise on a time series (CO2 concentration in the atmosphere)
15. Low frequency and high frequency electromagnetic measurements
16. Exercise on Earthquake location
17. Relation between electrical parameters and hydraulic parameters: electrical conductivity and hydraulic permeability
18. Exercise on Earthquake location
19. Hydrodynamic dispersion equation
20. Exercise on the diffusion of a pollutant
(reference books)
• J. Gaskill, Linear systems, Fourier transforms, and optics, Wiley.
• A. R. Von Hippel, Dielectric and Waves, John Wiley & Sons.
• F. W. Taylor, Elementary Climate Physics, Oxford.