Fundamental concepts of electronics used in the field of measurement of physical quantities. Introduction to semiconductor physics, junction diodes, BJT and MOS transistors. Introduction to the concept of amplification and the principles of feedback. Applications of operational amplifiers. Introduction to digital electronics and applications of logic gates. The lessons are complemented by numerical and laboratory exercises (the latter with compulsory attendance). The purpose of the laboratory exercises is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills, so as to enable them to use the electronic instruments and electronic components studied during the theoretical lessons. Students must carry out laboratory exercises and submit, at the end of the exercise, a report describing the activity carried out, the data collected and the numerical calculations carried out. List of laboratory exercises: study of the resonance frequency of an RLC filter (introductory experience aimed at becoming familiar with the laboratory instrumentation); applications of operational amplifiers (three experiences); applications of circuits with junction diodes (two experiments); applications of BJT and MOS (two experiences); applications with logic gates (two experiences); use of the Geiger counter.
(reference books)
To prepare for the exam, in addition to consulting the teaching material provided by the teacher, students can consult the following texts: (a) G. Schirripa Spagnolo, Applied Electronics, Efesto Editions, ISBN 978 88 9910 456 6 (b) Thomas C. Hayes and Paul Horowitz, Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course, Cambridge University Press (2016) ISBN 978 05 2117 7238