Corso: Gestione dei Progetti SSD: MAT/09 Professore: dott. Alessio Paccariè
THE ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH PROJECTS OPERATE The importance of project management in the business context Relationship between Project, Program, Portfolio and Operations Management Customization and Tailoring Environmental and business factors EEFs internal and external to the organization Types of organizational structures
THE ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER Definitions and sphere of influence Skills and job profile
SCOPE MANAGEMENT The Project Charter The WBS and RACI The flowcharts.
TIME MGT Activities: duration, responsibilities and constraints GANTT
COST MGT Estimate costs Determine budget and reserves
QUALITY MGT Requirements and criteria Testing and non-quality
COMMUNICATION MGT The role of communication Formal, informal, written and oral communication.
RISK MGT Identify and assess risks Plan responses to risks
STAKEHOLDER MGT Identify stakeholders Complexity in management: interest/power matrix Management strategy
MANUAL FOR THE COURSE (OPZ) Guida al Project Management Body of Knowledge ver. 6 (ENG)
(reference books)
(Opz) PMBoK ITA or ENG, ver 6.0 and later. Course slides