Laboratory Activities Channel 3. The laboratory provides for the presentation by the students of a literature teaching path for kindergarten and primary school starting from a song or parts of it from Dante's Divine Comedy. The itinerary has at its center the tercets of the Comedy, through reading aloud and didactic commentary, with all the necessary linguistic, stylistic, literary, historical, political, geographical, philosophical, educational, religious, artistic, astronomical, mathematical expansions music, sports, games, etc. which it will be considered appropriate to analyse. What matters is not the quantity of tercets analyzed but the quality, depth and richness of the analysis and, I repeat, the ability to put Dante's text in first place in the didactic proposal, the "shaggy alterity" of his tercets . Not, therefore, a Dante for children made up only of paraphrases, summaries, remakes, colored drawings, character stickers, in which one never gets to hear and read the language of the Comedy. But a Dante who allows children to approach the text through the precious mediation of the teacher who reads aloud and teaches how to read the Comedy individually and who obviously will have to invent all those didactic devices to allow full enjoyment of the text, but always with the aim of making Dante's tercets familiar to young readers. During the laboratory meetings, the students will present their works by reading aloud some tercets and with concrete examples of short educational paths taken from the Comedy (maximum 10 minutes). Avoiding general premises on teaching, methodologies, the Divine Comedy and so on. The works presented in the classroom will then be sent to the teacher in written and complete form for the final evaluation of the suitability of the laboratory. To get familiar with reading aloud and to compare different interpretations, we recommend listening to the following "voices": Arnoldo Foà (Youtube), Carlo D'Angelo (Techetè Radio Rai), Vittorio Gassman (Youtube), Carmelo Well (Youtube), Vittorio Sermonti (Youtube), Franco Fortini (Techetè Radio Rai).
(reference books)
See Programma dell'insegnamento