Methods and teaching of motor activity
The main goals of the course will be to provide the basic knowledge on motor activities and, in particular, on the psychological and physical development and motor learning during the developmental age. To learn how the methodology and teaching can be applied at the different ages and stages of the human development using intervention strategies based on motor and sport activities. To learn the method Joy of Moving and the methodology to be applied it in the pre-primary and primary education.
Knowledge and understanding: - theory of developmental age Applying knowledge and understanding: - methods for the development of body scheme, postural patterns and fundamental movement skills, motor abilities and skills - adapted motor activities for special populations. - Teaching styles - Joy of Moving method Making judgements: - critical thinking on teaching methodologies - selection of programs, methods, materials to realize appropriate interventions - self-evaluation of their own knowledge Communication skills: - to have efficient communication skills for teaching - to handle communication with peers, children, parents Learning skills: - to use in-depth analysis and integration strategies - to know how get pertinent material for teaching - to know how to apply scientific research
- The ontological dimensions of Motor Education: epistemological; phenomenological; methodological; referential; formative; axiological. - Human movement and its forms in the context of contemporary culture and values. - Functions and structures of human movement. - The lack of human movement: hypokinesis and motor illiteracy. - Motor development: ontogenesis and evolution of basic motor patterns in the developmental age. - The functional prerequisites and their structuring. - Psycho-motor education in its various aspects and the relationships between body growth, neuro-motor and psychic development. - The acquisition of skills and the development of coordination and conditional skills, postural patterns, in the primary school years. - Body outline, self efficacy and resilience. - Motor activity and socio-intellectual, emotional and moral development. - General principles of gradualness and progressiveness in the use of human movement and the methodological - didactic variables. - Didactic strategies, teaching styles and interdisciplinary approaches. - From basic motor patterns to the first forms of gestures applied to sports-games and sports. - The task of the teacher and the coach/referee/educator in starting sports activities in developmental age. - Processes and models for the assessment of motor skills - Outdoor education - Outdoor learning - Outdoor Movement Education - Outdoor Adventure Education.
(reference books)
Casolo F. (2011). Didattica delle attività motorie per l’età evolutiva. Milano: Vita e Pensiero. Coco D. (2014). Pedagogia del corpo ludico-motorio e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia. Colella D. (2022). La valutazione delle abilità motorie nella scuola primaria. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia. Lipoma M. (2014). Educazione Motoria. Collana ontologie pedagogiche. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam