This course is an introduction to the pragmatics of interaction. After an introduction to the theories and disciplines that have contributed to the development of models on interaction, we will focus on the approach of conversation analysis and interactional linguistics, the theoretical and methodological principles of which will be discussed, in depth. The main features of interaction (e.g., turn-taking organization, sequential organization, repair phenomena) will be studied and authentic data, represented by audiovisual recordings and transcripts of conversational and institutional-type exchanges, will be analyzed. Particular attention will be paid to methodological issues related to data collection and processing.
(reference books)
References, to support and supplement the content treated in class, will be indicated weekly by the lecturer and uploaded to Moodle. The texts to be read in preparation for the final essay will be agreed with the lecturer according to the topic chosen by the student. Non-attending students are requested to contact the lecturer to arrange the exam program.