21201711 Employment, income distribution and growth in Labour and Welfare LM-56 PALUMBO ANTONELLA, TREZZINI ATTILIO
A. Alternative approaches to the theory of value and distribution Classical analysis: the notion of surplus - social forces determining the real wage neoclassical analysis: the role of factor substitution Euler's theorem. Reswitching and reverse capital deepening
B. theories of employment in the two approaches Keynes and effective demand: compatibility and incompatibility the neoclassical synthesis The present state of mainstream economics. The imperfectionist argument
C. Empirical analysis mainstream empirics of growth: the theoretical bases (Solow 1957) growth accounting The production function: the problem of aggregation. The accounting identity and the dual problem labour productivity: an alternative analysis the wage-productivity nexus in the Classical-Keynesian approach public debt in a classical-Keynesian perspective: the redefinition of sustainability
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